Questa potrebbe essere la notizia del 2006:
Finally Linux has got full read-write open source NTFS support! Preliminary benchmarks show that the still unoptimized driver already sometimes twice as fast as ext3 and 20-50 faster than the commercial Paragon NTFS. Interestingly Captive NTFS, which uses the native Windows NTFS driver, fails all benchmarks with file loss.
NTFS-3G non è un kernel driver, ma viene eseguito in userspace utilizzando FUSE.
Interessante (ed inquietante) cosa scrive l’autore a proposito del supporto che potrà dare agli utilizzatori del driver nel prossimo futuro:
Please note that I’m leaving for an over 5,000 km long Far North and Arctic
Ocean advanture on Sunday morning (European time) and won’t be able to read
and answer emails for almost a month (no, I’m not escaping, I plan to come
back alive ;). Originally I planned to fix all the minor issues listed below
but no more time left for me and I think it’s better to release now, in case
I would get lost somewhere on the road 😉 Well, actually I hope that most
issues will be resolved when I’m back!